BG104 – The 26 Movements Course — ONLINE!

This workshop is for
Parents • Teachers • Therapists • Counselors
Anyone who wants to enhance living &learning,
for themselves and others

Anyone who is interested in becoming officially licensed as a
Brain Gym Movement Facilitator – NEW!

This course is not on Kathy’s current calendar.


Special Pricing Structure — three ways to save

1. Sliding scale
Choose the rate that suits your current situation,
on a sliding scale from 50% to full rate
$160 to $325
Hold your place in class with a $50 deposit

2. Savings on the manual?
The manual for BG104 is the book Brain Gym® Teacher’s Edition (BGTE).
Some of you may already own it.
If you already own a copy of this book you can
deduct $25 from your registration total.

3. Special Added Value Opportunity
You can add a copy of Kathy Brown’s book Educate Your Brain
for a reduced rate of $20.
This book is not necessary for the BG104 course
but will give you a solid foundation for
learning and using the Brain Gym work. (Shipping to United States only.)
Read the Foreword to this book, written by Paul Dennison.

Participants will…
•    Understand what’s at the root of many learning and coordination challenges, and what to do about it
•    Experience all 26 Brain Gym movements and learn how to get the (playful!) most out of each one
•    Explore the Three Dimensions of Intelligence (Laterality, Centering, and Focus) and how they can be enhanced through specific Brain Gym movements
•    Learn how to incorporate Brain Gym activities into the 
classroom day • therapy session • home environment – in a natural, fun way
•    Learn how to modify Brain Gym activities for 
children with special needs • frail senior citizens • those prone to seizures
•    Experience how Brain Gym readies the mind-­‐body system for focus, organization, participation, communication, relating positively to self and others, physical coordination, cognitive skills -­‐ and especially reading

Your Instructor:

Kathy Brown, M.Ed., Licensed Brain Gym® Instructor and Consultant, has 23 years experience as a classroom educator (K-6). Since 1998 she has been offering Brain Gym services in schools, teaching Brain Gym courses and workshops, and working with private clients of all ages.

She is the author of Educate Your Brain, the award-winning book on the basics of the Brain Gym® program.

Kathy says, “I’ve never seen anything like Brain Gym for uncovering hidden potential and bringing out the best in every learner. It makes learning more fun, and makes teaching easier–and it’s simple to do. What could be better?”


Even more: Would you like to become licensed as a Brain Gym® Movement Facilitator?
If you’ve already taken BG101, you’re one-third of the way there!

Visit one of the click-down links on this page to learn more.

What’s your first step?
Or, if you’ve already taken BG101, what’s your second step?

Taking the BG104 course — Brain Gym® 26 Movements

 I look forward to sharing this great new course with you!


We would be happy to schedule a course or workshop
specifically for your group, school, business, or association

Subscribe to Kathy Brown's email communications list

You can join one, two, or all three of Kathy’s email groups, for updates on:
•  her Courses schedule  •  new Blog postings  •  her Book projects
like the upcoming Educate Your Brain for Reading


© Copyright Kathy Brown 2023. All rights reserved.
All photographs other than instructor portrait images ©Copyright Laird Brown Photography. All rights reserved.

Brain Gym® is a registered trademark of Brain Gym® International, Ventura CA
Please visit the Brain Gym® website at