Childhood Reflexes and Their Effect on Learning and Behavior

New! Course developer Claire Hocking has authorized Kathy Brown to teach this Level 1 course.

A three-day class where participants learn information about the relationship between retained infant reflexes and cognitive challenges, coordination issues, and behavioral concerns; how to assess the presence of 10 key reflexes, and how to support them in becoming integrated into the overall mind-body system through techniques that are simple to do and often produce immediately identifiable results.

The retention of primitive infant reflexes is a key underlying cause of many learning and behavioral problems.
When reflexes do not integrate as expected and remain active in a person’s system they interfere with appropriate development.
Retained infant reflexes may contribute to hyperactivity, dyslexia, disruptive behavior, odd sitting or writing postures & grip on the pencil, and poor memory, concentration, coordination — and much more. Even in otherwise high-functioning teens or adults, a specific retained reflex may be at the core of a baffling cognitive challenge, coordination issue, or anxiety concern.

This course is not on Kathy’s current calendar.

Sorry, this course has not yet been approved as part of the Edu-K curriculum in the U.S.
However, it will very likely apply as CEUs toward your OT, SLT, or teaching certification renewal.

“This course transformed my work with clients of every age and ability level.” ~ Kathy Brown, M.Ed.

“I never had such an effective way of addressing retained infant reflexes before.
My young clients are improving so quickly – parents are amazed!” ~ K. Clark, OT

“I took this training and I’m amazed at the changes I’ve seen. When I resolve
Fear Paralysis and Moro reflexes in my chiropractic patients with chronic health issues,
they immediately begin to heal. This is amazing work.” ~ Willem Bos, DC

Participants in this course will come away with:

• Information on childhood reflexes in general and their vital link to learning and behavior
• Description, function, and/or purpose of each reflex in infancy
• Chronological order and normal expected time of emergence and integration of each reflex
• The effects of specific reflexes on learning, behavior, physical activity, sports, and wellness if they do not become fully integrated
• Reflex Testing Methods including Testing positions and procedures, Observations, Noticing Score
• Effective techniques and procedures for supporting integration of each reflex through the targeted use of Brain Gym® movements, Dennison Laterality Repatterning, and specific developmental activities related to each reflex
• Practical management strategies for short- and long-term improvement for home, the classroom, and private practice

Reflexes to be addressed in this course, and some associated behaviors:

Fear Paralysis – global developmental delay, anxiety/overwhelm, depression, extreme shyness, social phobia, selective mutism
Moro – low tolerance to stress or surprise, anxiety unrelated to reality, angry outbursts, insecure, easily distracted, poor focus
Tonic Labyrinthine – hypo/hypertonic, toe-walking, language delay, tires easily & wants to lean, sit or lie down, stiff movement
Palmar – fine motor issues, immature pencil grip, awkward handwriting with incorrect pressure, moves tongue while writing
Infant Plantar – dislike wearing shoes, difficulty standing, running & walking, curled toes when thinking or working

Asymmetrical Tonic Neck (ATNR) – poor eye teaming and eye-hand coordination, midline issues, reversals in reading and writing
Spinal Galant – difficulty sitting still, poor concentration, highly ticklish, bed wetting/soiling, irritable bowel syndrome in adults
Rooting & Suck – speech articulation issues, sloppy eating, chews on objects, difficulty swallowing, emotionally clingy
Babinski – Underdeveloped vestibular, poor gross motor, flat-footed, does not like walking, walks on toes & rotates hips inward
Symmetrical Tonic Neck (STNR) – always popping out of chair to stand, sits with legs as straight as possible, poor concentration

Read Kathy Brown’s articles about using these techniques with clients

Understanding Retained Infant Reflexes — An overview of the infant reflex continuum, several key reflexes, why they may not “integrate” in a timely way, and what happens when they don’t

Understanding (and Resolving) Fear Paralysis Reflex — This infant reflex is at the core of many fear-based behaviors, from low tolerance to stress, to social phobia and “selective mutism.”

Fear Paralysis Reflex and Baseball Performance — How resolving FPR helped a teen boy to achieve more easily when at bat.

Resolving Moro ~ the “Startle” Reflex — The Moro Reflex often leaves us poised on the edge of “flight or fight.” Part Three of our exploration of Retained Reflexes.

Understanding Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex – STNR – A retained STNR can make certain sitting or standing positions uncomfortable, as well as resulting in physical agitation, poor eye-hand coordination, difficulty focusing, and more.

Spinal Galant Reflex and its Effects on Bedwetting and Irritable Bowel Syndrome — The Spinal Galant Reflex causes strain in the low back region. Often, when this reflex is resolved, people are surprised to experience improvement in such things as irritable bowl syndrome and even bed-wetting.

Steering Clear for Bicycle Safety – A cautionary tale of ATNR in action — When Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex is retained beyond the infant stage, it leads to all kinds of coordination issues

We would be happy to schedule a course or workshop
specifically for your group, school, business, or association


© Copyright Kathy Brown 2023. All rights reserved.
All photographs other than instructor portrait images ©Copyright Laird Brown Photography. All rights reserved.

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